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Preschool and


We offer full time preschool and pre-k programs.

Part time care offered to children enrolled in

UCBDD or MEVSD programs


HighScope Wheel of Learning

Active Learning.png

Adult Child Interaction

Our teachers focus on over 30 areas of development in order to fully prepare your child for kindergarten and a life time of learning. 

Learning Environment

Our classrooms are full of center based learning opportunities that change weekly and encompass all areas of learning. Environmental print and options for learning are plentiful. 

Schedules and Routines

Our class schedules are built around preparing your child for kindergarten. With scheduled learning activities, and lots of chances for children to take the lead in their own learning, we work with each child's individual interests and learning needs.


Each child at WOW receives annual cognitive and social/emotional screenings. Three times a year you will receive a developmental assessment and an ongoing child observation records. 

Your child's day at WOW

Work Times

Learning centers are created to give children a choice of activity, while guiding their learning through child-adult interactions

Outdoor Exploration

Weather appropriate, children go outside twice a day. If we cannot go outside, we engage in large motor time in the classroom. 

Body care and rest Times

Younger children still take a nap or rest each day, but we work to phase it out by kindergarten. We assist children who are still potty training 

Small Group Times

Teachers lead an engaging learning time that focuses on one or more of the 30 areas of development. 

Meals and Snacks

Children are given a morning and afternoon snack and children pack their own lunch. We serve fluid milk at each meal, although parents can provide a milk alternitive. 

Read it Again

We use the Read it Again program through The Ohio State University to build early literacy skills and start to prepare your child for a love of reading.

Morning Meeting

Each of our classrooms come together each morning in order to build a community and work on different learning goals. 

Early Writing Program

The WOW Early writing program has been developed to give your child a strong start as they enter kindergarten. 

Music and Movement

Children develop a variety of skills while participating in our educational music and movement time. 

HighScope Key Developmental Indicators 

Each child at WOW is prepared for a lifetime of learning by developing over 30 areas of knowledge. Each of these areas are focused on starting at a child’s first day at WOW, starting from our smallest infants, and continuing into our school aged program.


World of Wonders
1200 Columbus Ave
Marysville, Ohio 43040



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